Monday, 6 December 2010

Swords to their left, daggers to their right ...

The party on the far side engaged the two fighters and quickly disposed of them to allow the rest to cross the pit more safely. Once across, they moved forward to the junction to find a main cross passage - to the right a door, whilst to the left it sloped away down into the gloom; ahead off-set to either side of their passage, were two more short corridors leading to closed doors.

The swordmage crept down to the right door and listening, heard low growls followed by a brief human 'shush'. The rest of the party grouped round the junction and after a short time the end door pulled open to allow attack dogs out. They ran past the swordmage, who slashed at those he could; some stopped to engage him whilst others moved towards the party. Within seconds fighters opened the other doors and moved forward to harry the party from the sides. A drawn out & fluid fight ensued and the party were hard set by a changing number of opponents, who used their knowledge of the area layout to some advantage. Dwindling numbers however, forced the assassins to retreat back into the as yet unseen rooms behind the doors and the party pursued them to prevent any alarm being raised.

Determining the doors led to a kennel and a bunkroom or barracks area, the party moved off down the gloomy corridor, still searching for the captive children. Coming to a small junction space, they had the choice of a sharply descending left-hand passage - from which they heard a continous rumbling noise and felt dampness in the air - and a shorter level passage to the right ending at a door. They choose the door first and moved carefully towards it, prepared to enter and engage more opponents.

The door meant the party entered in file and the found themselves in the side of a T shaped room, near the bottom. An opponent had used the door for cover to attack party members as they passed by, another had used a table for cover and quickly engaged, whilst a third moved down quickly from further up the room. Some of the party manoeuvred round the assassins and found others lurking in one side area, they released attack dogs and battled to move into the main room. They put up a stiff resistance but were unable to match the aggression shown by the party and were soon defeated. The party found two children locked in a cage in the opposite wing of the room; releasing them, the party decided to press on and instructed the children to remain safely in the room.

The party retraced their steps and then descended the other passage until they reached a chasm crossing their path; a fissure had split the rock and crossed the passageway leaving a rough cave, a waterfall to the right was the source of the earlier noise and dampness. A rough slat bridge had been strung over the chasm, which the party used to cross over. Using the rude steps hacked from the rock on the far side, they regained the original passage to be jumped by another pair of fighters - but by now the had their measure and dispatched them both in short order.

Moving on they came to another room and found more guards with three more children in a cage at the rear. Disposing of the guards, they released the children and told them to go back to the other room and stay with the other children. They moved on, down a longer winding corridor, until they came to a heavy closed door - the rogue slipped through and found a wide annexe behind witha heavy drape across the far end. Moving carefully forward he found a break in the drape and spied out the far side.

Shaking the Hands of Glory

Letting the rogue scout ahead, the party set to descend the revealed shaft, which led to a small chamber with a single corridor leading away. The rogue heard the murmur of conversation and dim wavering light from down it and creeping further forwards, he spied past a turn towards a further chamber containing two men relaxing in conversation.

The others in the group had now descended and with some stealth they approached the second room, before finally rushing forward. The party briefly surprised the occupants, although they quickly recovered and prepared weapons. A further man resting in a far corridor, moved to open a nearby door and a fourth appeared from a side chamber. A stiff fight, enjoined by a quartet of guard dogs released from a rear chamber, still saw the party victorious and they proceeded to search round the rooms for further clues.

The cluster of chambers appeared to be a long disused underground warehouse and excepting a recent crude infill in the outer corridor, nothing unusual showed. The cleric hammered at the corridor infill, whilst in a corner of the guarded chamber, the rogue found a false wall section covering a rough hewn tunnel leading away. Quickly ducking down the short narrow passage, he discovered a small chamber on the other side of the infill, from which a spiral stairwell led down.

He descended with the swordmage in support, to find a large room at the bottom, dimly lit. The rogue saw only two figures at the far end and decided to sneak in, whilst the swordmage went back up to bring the others down. The rogue gained the cover of the bench tables running down the centre of the hall, but towards the far end he knocked a chair and was accosted by the figure seated on the end dias.

Realising he'd been spotted, the rogue stood and made to engage the leader in conversation; he elicited little except a name - Argesh - and soon found himself being surrounded by more fighters. The rest of the party appeared from the stairwell, to see the rogue dodging for his life and they advanced to engage his opponents. After a protracted fight they defeated them and rested briefly before quickly exploring the area. Finding only what appeared to be a kitchen and connected food storage, they moved on into the chamber beyond.

A strange blank room met their eyes, only broken by a lone statue near the middle of the floor, which at the rear rose ten foot to where the room continued back at a higher level; the raer face was pierced by two stairwells leading up to the higher floor. The lower floor was flagged with large slabs, each marked with an engraved cross at the centre of which was a small hole. The rogue moved forward and despite his care, was caught by a spear shaft as it shot up from the hole in the floor.

Realising he was in a trapped room, he took a random path and managing to avoid any further traps he sprung, moved towards the stairwells at the rear of the room. Passing the statue, he was again surprised as a fireball shot from the carved mouth facing his side. Managing to roll through, he avoided the blast and reached the stairs at the rear. The others followed and also made the stairs, though the less dextrous suffered some injuries from the traps.

They moved to the upper floor and edged down the corridor beyond, the rogue again out front. More cautious now, he spotted pressure plates crossing the width of the corridor and jumped across them. Landing on the far side, he drove forward yet again, as the floor fell away beneath him to reveal a fifteen foot pit. Two more fighters appeared from a junction ahead and quickly closed on the rogue, but he managed to manoeuvre them to allow some more of the party to jump over the pit and assist the fight.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Casing the joint

The party headed off to the area of the Trades Ward, where the target building was located. Most of them holed up in a local tavern, whilst the few streetwise members observed the warehouse in question. A standard edifice located on an alley corner, with a main door and an upper loading access. The rogue checked the outside and observed the lack of other access, before settling back to observe the activity around the building.

Aside from spotting a figure on a nearby roof, one who ducked out of sight - clumsily - when the rogue saw it, little occurred in the hours he waited nearby. Eventually retiring back to the tavern, the party decided on a frontal approach and returned en masse to the warehouse. Approaching the building, they found the main door slightly open and the rogue snuck in first to successfully lose himself in the piles of goods inside. The rest of the party then loudly entered posing as visiting Genasi with their human servants. Successfully distracting the occupants, they allowed the rogue to get to the loft area unobserved and then left with a few minor purchases.

The rogue remained and observed the staff close up and after a few hours left the building; but before rejoining the party back in the tavern, he crept round to the neighbouring building - the one where he'd spotted the watcher earlier - and gaining the roof quietly, he jumped the man and successfully subdued him. A short interrogation added some knowledge to that gained already, but left them short on ideas to proceed further.

A seemingly bland warehouse with little inside to point to any untoward activities - for the low value goods stored, maybe a high number of 'guards' (8 of them) and their overnight 'watch', were the only vaguely suspicious points of note. The captured man confirmed little else, excepting that a particular pile of crates in a corner were never touched and that on occasion a wagon drew up bearing some large crates and with its own crew; the hired hands were told to take a few hours rest away from the building, to return later when the wagon and crew had left after unloading.

These few points led the party to decide to confront the warehouse guards head on - they approached Guard Captain Rulathon and had him set a Guard sergeant with them incase of problem, before returning to the warehouse to investigate the pile of crates. Their arrival caused brief interest, more for their ability to enter a presumed closed building, but this subsided when the Guard sergeant upheld the party's status to be there. Moving to the crates they disamntled a number to reveal a hollow area within and a sturdy trapdoor set into the floor.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Once more into the Sewers ....

Returning to the Guildhall, the party presented their trophies to Hilithimm Turnstone, the Guildmaster. Suitably impressed, he paid them the bounty and asked they complete the investigation by checking the northern pipes where the Dungsweepers Guild had been having problems with some belligerent vagrants.

The party met with a guild member and learnt that the vagrants were bulky, mono syllabic and garbed in swathes of rags. They were taken to an access pipe and told to follow the main sewer to a first junction area they found - the main place that the vagrants had been seen near. Descending to the sewer, the party moved along it until they reached a larger chamber where four pipes converged, down each smaller pipes could be seen branching off. The party laid their plank to cross a channel and then noticed a hulking shape ahead.

Moving a magical light forwards, they illuminated a rag garbed shape shuffling towards their position. One member advanced to try and reason with the creature, but only gained a violent blow which propelled him backwards towards the main group. Other creatures now appeared from the sewers round them and the party found themselves in a stiff combat. Managing to defeat the creatures, the party discovered that they were constructs, golems created from human parts.

Returning once again to the Guildhall, the Guildmaster thanked them for clearing up his problems. He gave them directions for a building above the pipe they discovered earlier, where blood and body parts had amassed. As to the golems prowling the sewers, he was at a loss, but advised they should tell the Guard Captain.

The party set off promptly for the barracks and on arrival were taken in to see the Captain. They apprised him of what they had found in the sewers, but though interested he took the opportunity to elaborate further on the task he hoped they were competent for.

Waterdeep had gained a new gang terrorising the populace; called the Hands of Glory, they had conducted a campaign of bizare kidnappings. Though only coming to light once their victims came from the wealthier families, the Guard Captain speculated they had taken numerous captives over past weeks. The wealthier victims families all received ransom notes demanding ridculous sums, amounts they could never afford. Though low on clues to the gangs lair, evidence pointed to it lying in a small area in the northeast of the Trades Ward. The families asked the Guard not to take the gang on directly however, they feared for the safety of their children should the gang lair be assaulted frontaly. Captain Rulathon therefore decided to use a small team of professionals, to infiltrate the lair in a quick strike to release the captives; the families backed this decision and offered a generous reward to the successful group.

Captain Rulathon also explained that small body parts had been received by the families, symbols of the gangs serious demands. The waterfront had also seen an increase in human waste parts appearing from sewer mouths - though no stranger to occasional corpses or partial dead bodies, this new crop was both unusual in the array of 'pieces' appearing and their higher frequency. A closer link to the golems in the sewers, rather than the gang lair - the suspicious outlet pipe, from a building in the locality that the gang hideout could be, seemed too co-incidental. The party agreed to take on the task and check out the warehouse for any suspicious behaviour.

Saturday, 11 September 2010

A Dirty Task

The party reached the Guard barracks and got in to see the Captain, to ask about any tasks they could handle. He advised them that he did have a problem that required a small and select group to handle, but first he wanted to assure himself of their competence. Two of the city guilds were having problems in the sewers and were after a capable group to sort out the issue, they were willing to offer a reward as it wasn't a task particularly suited to the City Watch and Guardsmen. Rulathon gave them directions to the guildhall and asked they return later, once they'd proved their ability.

Reaching the guildhall, the party obtained a meeting with the guildmaster, Hilithimm Turnstone; he explained that a couple of his crews were being prevented from completing necessary maintenance by unknown creatures. He got a crew in to explain further and their evidence implied the sewer was troubled by some sort of serpentine creature, that appeared fairly aggressive. He got the crew to take the party to the nearest access shaft and give them directions to follow in the sewers tom reach the problem area; once thay handled the problem (or not), he asked they return to take on the lesser problem further north in the city.

Arriving at the access shaft, they descended into the sewers and followed the directions they had been given. Travelling down the main sewer, they came to a junction and took the smaller branch pipe as they had been directed. A few hundred yards down they caught sounds of movement both ahead and behind them, so preparing they waited until they caught sight of the cause. In only moments oversized bugs scuttled into view and advanced quickly towards the party. The sewer walkway made for a tight battleground and the party were hard pressed as bug swarms advanced along both walls and ceiling, as well as swimming in the turgid waters, to engage them. The fighters took a lot of damage, but did repulse all the bugs at length, before taking time to recoup from the exertion.

Moving on again to reach the sump end of the sewer pipe, it wasn't long before they neared an exit to the pipe which implied thay had reached the sump chamber. The cleric floated a magic light into the chamber and the rogue edged forward someway behind it to observe the chamber and any occupants. He caught sight of a large multi-legged creature on the left, an oversized beetle to the rear of the central pool and a patch of thick green slime on the roof above it. Creeping back he advised the others and they decide to press on and try to tackle the creatures individually.

Reaching the chamber the first three branched right along the walkway and attacked the beetle, whilst the other two went left towards the second creature. A stiff fight developed, toughening as large worm like creatures appeared from a smaller right hand pipe to engage the party. Holding their own, the right hand group spotted a large swarm of vicious acting rats swarming from a rear pipe and run towards them, whilst the slime patch had slowly crept towards the pipe entrance and although spotted managed to drop and smother the mage.

The party did eventually defeat the creatures and took a few trophies to prove their actions whilst resting again. Gathering at the rear of the chamber they investigated a moderate pipe that was unusually encrusted with old blood and had a noticeable pile of limbs and bones on the walkway below and at the pool edge. The rogue scrabbled up the pipe until it ended at a narrow vertical pipe leading up to street level. Returning back to the sump, the party then decided to return and check with the guild if the pipe exit could be located in the city; the suspicious residue in the chamber needed investigating to determine its source.

Mixed Meetings

The party left the warehouse and proceeded up the busy main street towards the tavern Ferrer had directed them to. The street was crowded with late shoppers and traders starting to pack away their wares and pitches; but further up the street the party spotted tell-tale signs of organised and purposeful activity, a bunch of youths barrelling their way in a frenzied game of some sort, jostling and barging through the throng.

Arresting the groups progress with sharp commands, the party was focused on the youths and so only the rogue caught sight of the pickpocket as he made his move. Although the youths quickly dispersed, the pickpocket had made good ground before the party could even switch their attention. With the crowds and Ferrer's warnings of the strict laws resounding in their minds, the party did not give chase. It was moments only before a Watch team appeared and listening to the party's tale they sympathised, but explained that thieves were rare individuals, the Guild had been broken decades earlier and never allowed to re-form. The party continued onto the tavern as the Watch squad moved into the crowd for any further inforamtion they could glean from locals.

Reaching the Swords Rest tavern, the party entered to be greeted by a subdued atmosphere, the clientele engaged in quiet conversation over tankards, with a whole boar spitted over a strong fire in the large hearth. The party approached the bar and got drinks, before enquiring if Trader Brasshorn was in the bar; the barkeep directed them to a far corner where a dwarf sat preparing to start a hearty meal.

They moved over and introduced themselves, relating their action over the caravan, which elicited a relieved and positive response from the Trader. She invited them to share a meal and take the time to regale her with the tale. They spent an interesting evening, gaining a promise of reward from Randalla (Brasshorn) for their efforts in saving her caravan and staff, before securing some rooms and retiring for the night.

The following morning they rose early intending to take full advantage of the vast city to upgrade their possessions. Needing further information they looked for the Trader and were lucky to find her again in the bar-room at breakfast. In reply to their questions, she agreed to prime her contact during that day, so the party could improve their arms and directed them to contact the Guard Captain - Coril Rulathon - about any possible tasks that would suit their 'specialist' abilities. Finishing breakfast they set off for the Guard barracks to find Captain Rulathon.

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Waterdeep - City of Splendours

The rescued caravan master - Carl Ferrer - entreated the party to escort them back to Waterdeep, where his employer - Trader Brasshorn - would reward them for their efforts. Being their original destination, the party accepted and prepared for the 5 day trip to Waterdeep the following day.

Ferrer mentioned to them that a day north of the river ford, the Trade Way looped back towards the coast and skirted a wide area of marshland that sprawled around the river mouth. He warned that lizardfolk inhabited the marsh and they have been known to ambush smaller parties passing their territory.

Suitably wary as they passed the swamp, the party were alert for any untoward activity - however the undulating ground and heavy vegetation proved a hindrance to visibility; unsurprisingly they were caught out when a lizardman popped up and started casting spells. Reacting to his appearance the party ranged out to defend the caravan and realised they faced a large group of hostile amphibians. The tough fight swung both ways, but after crushing the chief warrior, the amphibian moral crumbled and few scuttled back alive to their swampy home.

After resting up to bandage their wounds, the caravan resumed its trek and in a few more days came in sight of Mount Waterdeep, standing solitary on the coastline, the morning of the fifth day. They approached the actual city later in the afternoon and Ferrer ran through some of the local laws to ensure they didn't accidently run foul of the Watch. Known to the gate patrol, he led the caravan through and into the city towards the warehouses owned by Trader Brasshorn.

Interested by the size of the city, the party stared around as they moved along the busy streets, until they reached the warehouse. Ferrer secured his caravan and determined his employer was not present, so suggested the party moved on to the Swords Rest tavern, further up the street - also a favourite haunt of Randalla Brasshorn - he felt they had a good chance of meeting her there, or if not could at least find themselves rooms.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Deeper into the Lair

Rested and recovered, the party re-entered the cave on the following day. They found the entrance chamber guarded again, but aware of the layout they found it an easier task to defeat the goblins there. They moved back to the second chamber with the pool and finding it empty, shuffled down to the cave of bats again. This time they sent the rogue in alone and he managed to sneak about most of the chamber before being discovered, excepting an old body wedged beneath a low ledge he found nothing of interest and got out with minimal injury, their retreat frustrating the bats attacks on them.

Moving further south they explored a narrowing fissure and although surprised by some darkmantles deeper in, they only found another old body. The tunnels were twisting more to the east now, so finding another southern branch they moved that way. Passing a couple of empty chambers, which appeared to contain cells, they came to a wider stretch of tunnel that branched west and dipped steeply downwards. The rogue explored a short distance and finding thickening webs festooning the passage, he retreated back to the group.

They took the southern fork and rounding a corner came upon a wide chamber full of goblins. The leader, mounted on a giant spider, was at the rear and had two Bugbear guards with him. The chamber restricted the party's ability to manuever, but they fought through most of the guards and the chief's spider mount, until all alone he surrendered. They got little information from interrogating him -
He confirmed their orders came from a senior, known only as the Red Knight and that the Red Fangs had their main lair further south, in the Cloak Wood below Baldur's Gate.
so the swordmage executed him quickly. At the rear of the cave they found another larger cell and released several captives from the caravan attacked in the village.

Deciding they had flushed out most of the lair, the party retraced their steps and checked a final few passages prior to leaving the caves. The web covered passage led to a deep chamber, in which they found numerous spiders of varied size; the party had a hard fight on their hands and only narrowly defeated the arachnid horde. A little battered, they worked back towards the exit and only diverted for a final passage they had yet to explore. Sloping gently downwards, it too led to a web covered cave, though here they fought a group of Ettercaps. The cave system seemed explored after this last fight and they regrouped outside with the captives. Following the wagon ruts, they found much of the caravan stored in some large shallow caves further south; they formed up and made their way back to Daggerford.

The Red Hand Lair

Allowing the guard (Keira) to recover, she led the party back south to where the goblins entered the forest. The wagons they stole left a broad track and the party easily followed to a point where the trail split; the wagons turned east, whilst the trail of the goblin warriors on foot carried on south. They found a small hillock, heavily overgrown with some sheltering boulders and left Keira there in some safety, before moving on to the lair entrance just beyond. A cave mouth below a small bluff, they decided to circle round and approach the entrance from the sides to minimise alerting any inside.

Entering, they found a wide chamber, partially barricaded with crates and barrels, behind which numerous goblins guarded the lair beyond. The initial assault was tough and it was a hard fight for the party to win through, but they did and moved deeper into the complex. They found several caches of goods that were probably from the recently captured caravan; at a junction they chose a tunnel at random and found a large chamber - dimly lit by glowing algae on the walls, numerous large fungi surrounded a central pool - several goblins lounged around it.

They charged in and engaging a couple of nearby goblins, the bulk of the party moved to the rear of the chamber where 4-5 more were scrambling to prepare for the assault. A few more goblins jumped the party from the algae covered wall, but it didn't help their cause. Defeating them easily, the party explored the chamber - the algae proved to be a screen to a narrow passage leading south, pitch black as they moved down it, the further end brightened slightly with a greenish glow.

They elected instead to explore a chute further round that led steeply down, at the bottom of which they discovered a high vaulted chamber with dim light visible at the top. Several rock columns blocked their view of the full chamber, so they inched slowly in. Once more in the open, they were dived on by several sizeable bats; unable to easily combat the aeriel opponents, the party withdrew and decided to leave the caves to rest overnight and explore further the following day.

Daggerford - Red Hand attack

Continuing their trip, on the morning they expected to arrive at Daggerford, they saw plumes of smoke over the trees ahead. The boat captain confirmed they rose from where Daggerford lay and he stopped at the riverbank, unwilling to continue further without any exploration of the cause.

The party agreed to scout and set off downriver to explore the situation. Approaching the village, they scouted from a nearby rise and saw a number of goblins, lurking round the ferry that allowed Trade Way traffic to cross the river. The smoke plumes rose from further south, presumably from the village itself. They approached the dock stealthily and pounced on the goblins lurking round the ferry buildings and dockside warehouses. A brief fight ensued, although one goblin ran off towards the village itself.

Not allowing it to raise an alarm to give any other raiders much advantage, they set off quickly and split up to approach the goblin force from two sides. The fleeing raider alerted the remaining force to the new arrivals and though some goblins still kept some villagers holed up in their homes, others turned to receive the fresh assault from the river. The party plowed into the goblin force and their split tactics allowed them to pick off a few stragglers before taking on the bulk of the raiders. Although a few goblin warriors proved a challenge, they defeated the raiders without too much problem.

Releasing the villagers, they aided them in putting out the few fires the raiders had started. The village leader explained the goblins had first attacked a trade caravan that had recently arrived, a larger portion of the force had taken prisoners and the wagons south after that fight, whilst those left then turned on the village. Searching round the dead, the party noticed that the goblins all had a common motif on their armour; though varied in style, each represented a crude hand applied in red pigments.

A shout from the south, alerted all to a lone figure staggering into the village. Quickly intercepting, the party found it to be a female guard who survived the attack and had managed to trail the goblin force south to a lair in the Trollbark Forest. She begged the party to assist and release the captives, assuring them that her employer would be most grateful.

Secomber - the Wolf Lair

Breaking their trip at Secomber, where the boat stopped for trade with the town, the party was approached by locals hoping for their aid. The days spent at Loudwater had already spread the word of their ability to outlying towns and communities. The citizens of Secomber were having problems with a particularly savage group of Hobgoblins, which had settled in local caves with a wolf pack. Their depredations on the area had caused much disruption to daily life and already a few adventurers had disappeared, after setting out to deal with the raiders.

Obtaining a local guide, the party agreed to try their luck and set off to the cave system. They arrived at sunset and found the cave system had two openings, so elected to use the upper one and then worked their way through natural chambers and passages, battling several groups of wolves and goblins. They stumbled across the remains of past adventurers that had failed & fallen and then in a final fight against numerous wolves, led by a great Worg, they cleared the nest and exited through a lower opening.

Returing to Secomber, they received the thanks of the town and then waited for the next boat travelling to Daggerford, to continue their trip.

Journeying On

Returning to Loudwater, the party delivered the recovered tomes to the Mayor and Draigdurroch's journal to Curuvar, who wanted thorough details of their adventure. He did warn them that the Fey of the Dire Wood may not take kindly to the destruction of their handiwork and could look to challenge the party in future about their actions.

Whilst resting in the town, the party were approached by two adventurers, who introduced themselves as Verix & Edmund from Cormyr. Verix was a Cleric of Tempus and had been tasked to find & join a brother Paladin - being Khaan - together they could adventure in the name of Tempus; Edmund was a retired Cormyr guard and was returing to the Sword Coast, they took the opportunity to travel together through the wilder areas between Cormyr and Lurular.

Curuvar caught up with them the following day, to advise he had found several notes and comments in Draigdurroch's journal relating to the Zhentarim [see side notes page]. The warlock was part of that group and his notes implied his research had more ominous tones for the area than at first believed.

The group now decided to continue their trip to Waterdeep, Curuvar suggested that they look up a dwarven trader there - Randalla Brasshorn; they elected to continue by the river down to Daggerford and there take passage by ship up the coast or use the Trade Way rosd overland. Stocking up, they parted with the town worthies and took apssage on the next boat downriver.

Draigdurroch's Tower

Disposing of the guardians, the party completed entry to the tower's interior. The door opened onto a large hallway, with a stairway on each side rising to the next level. Exploring the groundfloor they found several other rooms, everywhere covered in ice and frost. The party were partially split around the rooms, when they were suddenly assaulted from different sides by ice warriors. Battling the creatures, the party regrouped and seeing reinforcements arriving, they retreated up the stairs to the next floor. This proved to be a single huge room, partitioned only by a massive bookcase - here too were several of the ice warriors, but with a limited number of opponents the party dealt with them and then held the stairwells against the few remaining warriors trying to come up.

Although some warriors prowled the lower floor, the party were now left to their own devices. The second floor proved to be one huge laboratory and the found little to assist their search for the problem weather. No apparent access, higher into the tower, was visible either - until in one corner they found a magical lift which transported them to the next floor. Arriving into a library, the party first searched for useful tomes (the Mayor had expressed an interest in them) and any other information on their task. A bedchamber next door, which led to a secret study, were the only other rooms on the level - the study also having a magic lift leading upwards. They set off one magical warding, but surviving the blast were alerted to a second and recovered the warlock's personal journal (for Curuvar).

Grouping above, the party found themselves on the roof of the tower, with the icy casing peaking about 20' above their heads. A few chimneys dotted the roof rim with some deeper piles of ice and snow mounded in the corners; the only other feature was a large gemstone suspended in the middle of the roof. A stream of power trailed to the icy peak above and there streamed outwards as snow & ice, in all directions; rhythmic pulses from the gem co-incided with blasts of strong wind outside. Approaching the gem, the party stopped as it pulsed and leaking energy coalesced into a large muscled form opposite them. The spirit attacked the party - in apparent defence of the gem - hindered by the close terrain and the spirit's formidable powers, it proved a tough fight, however they won through.

As the spirit received its final blow, it howled in agony and the gem's surface fractured in a cobweb of tiny cracks. The next pulse of power shattered the gem's structure, the spirit blurred and turned into mist whilst the tower shuddered & trembled as the icy walls cracked and split, tumbling to the ground below. Within moments the stormy weather started to clear, the sky lightened and although still cold, the weather appeared to be returning to normal. Resting briefly, the party decided to return to the town, now their task appeared completed.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

The Dire Wood

After enjoying the reception, organised by the town for their past accomplishments, the party obtained some supplies and set off North to find Draigdurroch Tower. They had been told it was a good days trek to reach their goal and it wasn't long until they found the weather changing. It turned cold, the wind grew in strength and then snow started falling, until they were battling against a driving blizzard. Although the storm seemed almost personal in attempting to turn them back, they plowed through and after a few hours, things miraculously calmed.

They trudged on in better weather, although the temperature was still very low, until they reached a hilly area. Approaching a narrow vale, the ranger tracking out front, spotted skulking figures on nearby ridges. The party split up and snuck towards the ridges, to surprise the lurking figures. Cresting the ridges, they came across frost goblins waiting to ambush them and though the fight was tough, the party defeated the goblins and continued on to the tower.

Reaching the edge of the Dire Wood, the party approached the ice encased tower; its entrance accessible via an ice covered pathway bordered by demonic statuary. The tower arced 4 stories towards a spired roof, above which the ice spiked nearly 60' above the ground, the walls were covered in carven imagery of winged demonic figures swirling round the tower. Whilst attempting to break through the ice covering the door, their actions activated a number of construct guardians.

Several of the pathway statues turned on the party, whilst some of the demonic wall images pulled themselves away and flew down to join the assault. The paths slick surface and narrow statue lined area restricted the psrty's freedom to fight, however they played the waiting game and forced their construct opponents to attack, as they followed their orders to defend the portal. The party's tactics allowed them to defeat the the portal guardians, leaving them free to complete uncovering the doorway and gain entrance to the tower.

Monday, 3 May 2010

Loudwater - Winter Descends

Arriving back at Loudwater the following day, the party returned the children to a jubilant reception from the townsfolk. They sought out Curuvar for further information about their findings and learnt that Najara was a fabled kingdom of serpent people, to the south beyond the High Moor; Chelimber was an ancient massive castle - that dominated the territory between Najara and the elven kingdom of Evereska - long abandoned and presumed lost as the area had turned into vast swamplands.

The party spent a few days relaxing and re-equipping, before a reception the town had organised in their honour; just prior to the evening event, the Mayor asked them for a private interview.

She commented that outlying farmers and woodsfolk were noting unseasonal winter conditions being seen from the north; dropping temperatures, freak snow flurries and blizzards that come and go mysteriously, also sightings of furtive blue skinned creatures skulking in the woods. She was concerned that if winter is months early, the whole region will be threatened with famine, as the year's crops fail.

The Mayor advised checking a tower to the north, built 30 years ago by Draigdurroch, a dwarven warlock - it lay at the border of an area called the Dire Wood. It was an area 20 miles across surrounded by a ring of albino oak trees, with a ring of blackened petrified trees just behind. The interior of the wood was a hilly broken area, covered in both living and petrified trees, with a towering butte at its centre; she said Curuvar knew more about the matter.

Seeking Curuvar the following day, he explained that Draigdurroch went north to research the strange area that is the Dire Wood. Whatever he did, ended with his tower being encased in solid ice and no-one has heard from the warlock since; Curuvar seemed convinced that the area would hold clues to the worrying weather.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Bandits of Zelbross

Having cleared the bandit lair, the party went to the town watch house to report their findings. The Guard Captain confirmed that reports of missing children have been increasing recently, many think its bandits who based themselves in the old village of Zelbross to the west; he mentions a local named Zark had a run-in with the bandits some months back.

The party find Zark and he confirmed the story, offering to lead them to Zelbross. They accepted and set off promptly, to be able to arrive at the village the following morning. They approached the village to find it ruined with few solid buildings left standing, excepting one larger central structure.

Closing on this building, the party encounter bandit guards, who engage whilst raising the alarm. A stiff battle ensued, especially with the appearance of the bandit boss accompanied by a reptilian magic user. The party won, though narrowly and found a solid cage, built into an old room of the structure, containing 7 local children.

They found a parchment on the bandit boss, which confirmed a bounty payable for each potential child captured for slavery:

Contract of Bounty.
This contract empowers the bearing Najaran representative, to pay a 20 gold piece bounty for each and any human slave delivered.
Sess'Sth, Lord of Chelimber.

The Lady of Shadows

The party returned to Loudwater and were feted for removing the goblin threat from the area; Curuvar the wizard was suitably impressed by their ability and the Mayor gave them audience.

It wasn't long however before they found further adventure; emboldened by the parties growing renown, a local merchant approached them for assistance with pressure from a local gang offering 'protection'. A Tiefling henchman intimidated locals into the 'racket' and the only other piece of knowledge was the gang leaders name - a mysterious individual only known as the 'Lady of Shadows'.

The party made enquiries around the town and narrowing the gangs location down, they pin-pointed it after trailing the tiefling back to an abandoned warehouse. Although run down and deserted, they found a disguised cellar entrance and descended. Avoiding some protecting traps, they found the main lair and bursting in, overpowered the bandit gang and its leader. The Lady of Shadows turned out to be a Dark Creeper, a creature of the ShadowFell.

The party found 2 clues in the lair - the first, scrawled in the dirt of a cage in one corner, read:

save us we're being sold as slaves to snakemen we're being taken to Zelbross

the second was another message scroll on the Dark Creeper, the script seemed similar to the one found in the goblin lair:

You know your part, show no restraint and cause the havoc we need. I have sent aid to the Barrow goblins, for a small matter of theirs, it will aid our plan though they have no part in it. Here I lead the Red Fangs to ever greater success, their outrages are now noted in both Waterdeep & Baldurs Gate. Send your next report soon, so that I may advise the Mistress of your progress. Red Knight

Barrow of the Ogre King

Armed with Curuvar's information, the party left the following day to explore the Barrow of the Ogre King and find the goblin lair.

The raiding party left a trail that was easy to follow and led to the dwarven ruins of the barrow. Negotiating a pit trap at the entrance, the party then fought their way through the remaining goblin defenders to descend to the catacombs. At the bottom they found the tomb of the Ogre King, where Sancossug - the goblin shaman - was involved in a ritual. The party defeated him and then determined the ritual was unlikely to succeed.

They found the ogre's remains in a sarcophagus and noted the skull had been fashioned into a crude mace - also a magical weapon. On Sancossug they found a message scroll, written by an educated hand in common tongue:

Set your clan against the humans in the valley, cause mayhem and disrupt their lives in every way you can. Soon the Red Fangs will strike north, so your cause will aid our future success. There are other allies nearby who also further our cause, but I you send this barrel of alchemical fire to assist your endeavours. R.K.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Loudwater - Goblin Assault

The initial party members - Faweh, Janus, Kaddim-sul, Khaan & Zan-kyri - met during a period of caravan guard work, between the cities of Lurular. After some time they decided to seek adventure and headed south using the Delimbyr river.

They broke their journey at the town of Loudwater, where on their first morning they were involved in a goblin raid on the town. Although the goblins used a barrel of alchemical fire to breach the town walls, the party repulsed their attack with some ease. The goblins had snatched a horn item from a nearby curio shop during the attack, they seemed focused upon this task to the extent of retreating having obtained it; none however left alive.

The horn knife proved to be magical and the shop owner let the party retain it, both in gratitude for their efforts and to avoid future goblin trouble. The party also found a scrawled note on the goblin leader:

Kerwig, I divined the totem is in a shop 'Garwan's', in Loudwater. Go an get it back, use the fire barrel for the wall. You know the totem is important for the magic to revive the Ogre King, do not fail! I will continue the ritual till you retun. Sancossug

The party met a wizard, Curuvar, in the local tavern - he translated the note for them and advised the goblins laired in a local barrow south of the town.

The Heroes

A D&D 4th Ed. Forgotten Realms game.

The group members:

Faweh, an Eladrin Rogue;

Janus, an Elf Ranger;

Kaddim-sul, a Genasi Swordmage;

Zan-kyri, a Genasi Wizard.

Edmund, a Human Fighter;

Khaan, a Dragonborn Paladin;

Verix, a Human Cleric.

Neebin, a Halfling Sorceror.