Sunday, 11 July 2010

Deeper into the Lair

Rested and recovered, the party re-entered the cave on the following day. They found the entrance chamber guarded again, but aware of the layout they found it an easier task to defeat the goblins there. They moved back to the second chamber with the pool and finding it empty, shuffled down to the cave of bats again. This time they sent the rogue in alone and he managed to sneak about most of the chamber before being discovered, excepting an old body wedged beneath a low ledge he found nothing of interest and got out with minimal injury, their retreat frustrating the bats attacks on them.

Moving further south they explored a narrowing fissure and although surprised by some darkmantles deeper in, they only found another old body. The tunnels were twisting more to the east now, so finding another southern branch they moved that way. Passing a couple of empty chambers, which appeared to contain cells, they came to a wider stretch of tunnel that branched west and dipped steeply downwards. The rogue explored a short distance and finding thickening webs festooning the passage, he retreated back to the group.

They took the southern fork and rounding a corner came upon a wide chamber full of goblins. The leader, mounted on a giant spider, was at the rear and had two Bugbear guards with him. The chamber restricted the party's ability to manuever, but they fought through most of the guards and the chief's spider mount, until all alone he surrendered. They got little information from interrogating him -
He confirmed their orders came from a senior, known only as the Red Knight and that the Red Fangs had their main lair further south, in the Cloak Wood below Baldur's Gate.
so the swordmage executed him quickly. At the rear of the cave they found another larger cell and released several captives from the caravan attacked in the village.

Deciding they had flushed out most of the lair, the party retraced their steps and checked a final few passages prior to leaving the caves. The web covered passage led to a deep chamber, in which they found numerous spiders of varied size; the party had a hard fight on their hands and only narrowly defeated the arachnid horde. A little battered, they worked back towards the exit and only diverted for a final passage they had yet to explore. Sloping gently downwards, it too led to a web covered cave, though here they fought a group of Ettercaps. The cave system seemed explored after this last fight and they regrouped outside with the captives. Following the wagon ruts, they found much of the caravan stored in some large shallow caves further south; they formed up and made their way back to Daggerford.

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