Sunday, 11 July 2010

Journeying On

Returning to Loudwater, the party delivered the recovered tomes to the Mayor and Draigdurroch's journal to Curuvar, who wanted thorough details of their adventure. He did warn them that the Fey of the Dire Wood may not take kindly to the destruction of their handiwork and could look to challenge the party in future about their actions.

Whilst resting in the town, the party were approached by two adventurers, who introduced themselves as Verix & Edmund from Cormyr. Verix was a Cleric of Tempus and had been tasked to find & join a brother Paladin - being Khaan - together they could adventure in the name of Tempus; Edmund was a retired Cormyr guard and was returing to the Sword Coast, they took the opportunity to travel together through the wilder areas between Cormyr and Lurular.

Curuvar caught up with them the following day, to advise he had found several notes and comments in Draigdurroch's journal relating to the Zhentarim [see side notes page]. The warlock was part of that group and his notes implied his research had more ominous tones for the area than at first believed.

The group now decided to continue their trip to Waterdeep, Curuvar suggested that they look up a dwarven trader there - Randalla Brasshorn; they elected to continue by the river down to Daggerford and there take passage by ship up the coast or use the Trade Way rosd overland. Stocking up, they parted with the town worthies and took apssage on the next boat downriver.

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