Sunday, 2 May 2010

Bandits of Zelbross

Having cleared the bandit lair, the party went to the town watch house to report their findings. The Guard Captain confirmed that reports of missing children have been increasing recently, many think its bandits who based themselves in the old village of Zelbross to the west; he mentions a local named Zark had a run-in with the bandits some months back.

The party find Zark and he confirmed the story, offering to lead them to Zelbross. They accepted and set off promptly, to be able to arrive at the village the following morning. They approached the village to find it ruined with few solid buildings left standing, excepting one larger central structure.

Closing on this building, the party encounter bandit guards, who engage whilst raising the alarm. A stiff battle ensued, especially with the appearance of the bandit boss accompanied by a reptilian magic user. The party won, though narrowly and found a solid cage, built into an old room of the structure, containing 7 local children.

They found a parchment on the bandit boss, which confirmed a bounty payable for each potential child captured for slavery:

Contract of Bounty.
This contract empowers the bearing Najaran representative, to pay a 20 gold piece bounty for each and any human slave delivered.
Sess'Sth, Lord of Chelimber.

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