Monday, 18 March 2013

Nice Doggy .....

Making little effort to be quiet, the Party descended the stairs to the large lower chamber. Reaching the floor they slowly advanced towards the center, watching the opening on the far side. Un-surprised, they readied as several golem hounds launched themselves forward and whilst busy with this onslaught, a larger three headed monster stalked forwards towards the fight.

Scaled, spike tailed and slavering from three large toothed maws, it entered the fray snapping and swiping the Party members as they came in range. Efficiently dispatching the smaller hounds, the Party grouped round the larger monster hound and co-ordinated attacks soon put paid to its existence. Briefly checking the corpse, they noticed a chain and tag round its chest, the tag read "Atrocious".

Resting briefly, they then studied the doors to the right - finding them unlocked, they opened them to reveal a further set of steps descending downwards. These dropped over 50 feet until they opened out into a large chamber, the Rogue slid forwards to check the space. From the entrance he saw the chamber to be ovoid, stone clad with heavy iron banded doors at the far end and high above a crenelated balcony. Two figures, a man and woman, stood there and Faweh caught the end of their terse conversation.

"Worry not Karne, our plans are not threatened"
"They'd better not be Ellaria, Lord Xantum dislikes set backs, especially if they are through an agent's foolishness."

Sensing an opportunity, Faweh had beckoned the Party forwards and they moved into the end of the chamber at the end of the conversation. The man glanced towards them and added:

"Dispose of these meddlesome fools quickly and move your plans forward, no further delays can be tolerated".

He turned and left through a door barely visible at the rear of the small balcony. The woman turned to face the chamber and the Party:

"So .... you made your way down here. I'm impressed you passed Atrocious, you didn't strike me as being that resourceful" she smiled cruelly and then her features shimmered and changed, become more chiseled and saturnine "Ah, Luvia was a useful cover, but I have no further need of it now. Our plans to disrupt this city are near to fruition and I can dispense with hiding. I must leave now, but I have one last parting gift for you ..... I doubt you'll be bothering me again."

She laughed and turned to leave through the same rear door, as the lower gates at the chamber end burst open to release a huge golem into the space before the Party.

They spread apart and readied for its attack as it sped towards them; near suicidal in its rampage, the mighty golem moved around the group lashing out with immense fists, ignoring the cuts and stabs they inflicted upon it. A quick but tough fight saw the Party eventually bring the creature down and they pulled their battered bodies to the far end to study the wall and higher balcony.

Faweh launched a grapnel and rope high up and snagged the low wall clambering quickly, he made the balcony and found himself facing a large mirrored surface. This reflected the concealed space to his right where Ellaria and Karne had stood, impervious to any below in the chamber. He quickly checked the door  as the rest of the group laboured up behind him.

Finding it unlocked, he looked through to find a narrow dark winding staircase leading up. Moving as fast as they dared, the top ended at a wooden trapdoor above their heads. Carefully opening it, they found themselves in a windowless room and moving out the only door, they realised they were in a cellar of another building. A small dwelling, they found the street quickly, however there was no sight of two Zhentarim agents. Leaving a small courtyard they found themselves across from the Bloodmire mansion and with a cold trail, they returned to their inn for the night.

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